HELGA release 2018/03

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HELGA release 2018/03

Post by mho »

The developments efforts in the area of IOF XML v3.0 continued seriously during the beginning of the year, and now it's time to finally release this part of HELGA. A new tab has been added to the Data Exchange screen to centralize all the current options.
  1. Import Registrations is for the upcoming Belgian web registration System O'Punch, but also more generally for any system providing XML registration files, like for instance the IOF Eventor.
  2. Export Registrations is the other way around, producing a Belgian registration file compatible with O'Punch, but also a generic standard XML file
  3. Export Startlist is mainly targeted at IOF Eventor
  4. Export Results is also for Eventor, but for any other service like RouteGadget2, SplitsBrowser, Winsplits Online, LiveResults too.
Please note that Webres is already using the XML format for the split times (SplitsBrowser), and that from this new version on, START will also be using XML. This has the nice side-effect, that unicode is fully supported including non-latin alphabets, and no more wrongly displayed characters!
Webres will be enhanced in the next phase.

Also, but simply behind the scene, the XML v3 format produced by OCAD or Purplepen is now supported.
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Re: HELGA release 2018/03

Post by rma »

"only solutions"
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