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Helga Release 2015/07

Posted: Tue, 23. Jun 2015 12:29
by mho
Soon it will be time for the next HELGA release!
These are the main features :)
  1. A unique identifier now guarantees that there will be no more duplicate lines on START or WEBRES, due to minor changes in title, start time or location
  2. Possibility to organize one single mass start at relay competitions
  3. Excel export revised for Word Ranking Events
  4. New handling in Multi day events of people who do not start (register) every day: a flag is added to exclude them in start time calculation, start lists and start fee summaries.
  5. The MT2003 import of OrienteeringOnline has been extended to import all days at once, respecting possible skipped days.
  6. In scope of the next Sylvester 5 Days, the Scottish point based result system (best 3 of 5 days) has been developed.
  7. Export to START portal with option to hide start times, when only participants shall be displayed yet.
  8. Minor bugfixes

Re: Helga Release 2015/07

Posted: Sun, 06. Dec 2015 2:45
by americosam
Olá MHO, como estás?

Baixei a nova versão do helga mas ao abrir acusa que a ação falhou, identifica erro 2950.

desde já,

muito Grato,

Américo Sam

Re: Helga Release 2015/07

Posted: Sun, 06. Dec 2015 15:23
by mho
Oi Américo,

tudo bem, obrigado!
Não tenho explicação; é um erro "generico". Pode mandar uma foto da dela, ou linha de codigo se você ir para "debogamen" com ume versão completa de Access?
Ou talvez: ao baixar do arquivo ZIP: olhar nas propriedades do ZIP e cliquar em "desbloquear" se tiver?