START json

There are 2 webservices to retrieve data from the Start times portal, in JSON format:


To download results from Webres, for further data processing, in JSON format:

WEBRES filter

A different way of publishing race results on one or more TV screens: Scrolling filtered WEBRES pages.
What does it mean?
First, let's present the Firefox Add-on to scroll any web page : ReScroll, by Flemish orienteer Jeroen.
So far, it could just scroll the entire result list on Webres. But then we have added a way to filter the result with a new URL parameter: SHOW
Simply add it to the full Webres URL &show=[list of categories, separated by !]. And any part is treated with an implicit wildcard.

Some examples from

Like this, you can stream the results on any number of screens... and without the club statistics.

Be carefull about the synthax ... (lower case for the "s... of show")
&show= is OK ... 
&Show= is not OK ...