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The Digital Orienteering Map Archive

Welcome to the HELGA digital orienteering map archive!


Name Maps Last map Date Updated
Muriel Chouffart 76 11/02/2024 11/02/2024 17:51
Filip Debloudts 36 Flanders 3 Days 2/3 : De Gorten & Winner Noord 14/08/2021 14/08/2021 16:07
Peter Dewulf 7 12/03/2023 12/03/2023 18:30
Serge Dusza 35 Challenge Autmans 21/03/2019 28/03/2019 06:58
Julius Garray 21 Régionale 5 Couleurs 11/02/2024 11/02/2024 17:13
Gert Geboers 9 Sylvester 2022 Dag 5 30/12/2022 30/12/2022 14:49
Albert Van Caneghem 133 Dilsenerbos 27/11/2022 27/11/2022 15:06
Wim Vervoort 100 29/11/2024 30/11/2024 10:02

Last maps 10 | 20 | 50 | all

Name Map Date Category Updated
Wim Vervoort 29/11/2024 Competition 30/11/2024 10:02
Wim Vervoort 03/11/2024 Competition 05/11/2024 10:47
Wim Vervoort 08/09/2024 Competition 09/09/2024 07:22
Wim Vervoort 31/08/2024 Competition 31/08/2024 17:07
Wim Vervoort 07/04/2024 Competition 07/04/2024 16:24
Wim Vervoort 28/03/2024 Competition 28/03/2024 15:58
Wim Vervoort 23/02/2024 Competition 24/02/2024 08:13
Wim Vervoort 15/02/2024 Competition 15/02/2024 17:20
Muriel Chouffart 11/02/2024 Competition 11/02/2024 17:51
Julius Garray Régionale 5 Couleurs 11/02/2024 Competition 11/02/2024 17:13
Wim Vervoort 11/02/2024 Competition 11/02/2024 16:05
Wim Vervoort 06/02/2024 Competition 06/02/2024 17:04
Muriel Chouffart NORD#14 03/02/2024 Competition 04/02/2024 14:51
Wim Vervoort 28/01/2024 Competition 29/01/2024 19:31
Muriel Chouffart 14/01/2024 Competition 14/01/2024 19:24
Wim Vervoort 19/11/2023 Competition 20/11/2023 16:26
Wim Vervoort 10/11/2023 Competition 11/11/2023 08:16
Wim Vervoort 15/10/2023 Competition 16/10/2023 15:18
Julius Garray Challenge Régularité Militaire 13/10/2023 Competition 13/10/2023 17:32
Muriel Chouffart 13/10/2023 Competition 13/10/2023 17:28
Julius Garray WE O'Champagne 08/10/2023 Competition 13/10/2023 17:15
Muriel Chouffart 08/10/2023 Competition 11/10/2023 17:06
Muriel Chouffart 07/10/2023 Competition 11/10/2023 16:55
Wim Vervoort 08/10/2023 Competition 08/10/2023 16:20
Wim Vervoort 01/10/2023 Competition 01/10/2023 15:58
Wim Vervoort 29/09/2023 Competition 29/09/2023 16:45
Muriel Chouffart 09/09/2023 Competition 13/09/2023 12:33
Julius Garray Belgian Club Relay - Individuels LD 10/09/2023 Competition 12/09/2023 18:48
Julius Garray Régionale FRSO 5 couleurs 09/09/2023 Competition 11/09/2023 19:30
Julius Garray CB Interclubs 27/08/2023 Competition 01/09/2023 15:02
Julius Garray Spéciale Middle 26/08/2023 Competition 01/09/2023 14:37
Muriel Chouffart 27/08/2023 Competition 30/08/2023 14:52
Muriel Chouffart 26/08/2023 Competition 30/08/2023 13:31
Wim Vervoort 06/08/2023 Competition 06/08/2023 16:29
Muriel Chouffart 25/06/2023 Competition 26/06/2023 18:26
Muriel Chouffart 24/06/2023 Competition 26/06/2023 17:58
Wim Vervoort 21/06/2023 Competition 22/06/2023 15:54
Julius Garray Course Régionale 23/04/2023 Competition 23/04/2023 19:32
Muriel Chouffart Régionale 23/04/2023 Competition 23/04/2023 17:46
Julius Garray Challenge Gilbert Autmans 20/04/2023 Competition 21/04/2023 10:41
Muriel Chouffart 20/04/2023 Competition 20/04/2023 19:19
Julius Garray 16/04/2023 Competition 16/04/2023 18:07
Muriel Chouffart 16/04/2023 Competition 16/04/2023 17:52
Julius Garray CB Moyenne distance - Parcours LD 26/03/2023 Competition 26/03/2023 16:05
Muriel Chouffart 26/03/2023 Competition 26/03/2023 15:16
Julius Garray Régularité militaire 23/03/2023 Competition 23/03/2023 17:54
Muriel Chouffart 23/03/2023 Competition 23/03/2023 16:48
Muriel Chouffart 19/03/2023 Competition 20/03/2023 18:07
Muriel Chouffart 18/03/2023 Competition 20/03/2023 17:54
Julius Garray Nationale LD - Parcours 8 19/03/2023 Competition 20/03/2023 17:44
Julius Garray Championnat de Belgique - Course de Nuit 18/03/2023 Competition 20/03/2023 17:19
Peter Dewulf 12/03/2023 Competition 12/03/2023 18:30
Julius Garray Entrainement Interland 04/03/2023 Training 07/03/2023 17:17
Julius Garray Interland 05/03/2023 Competition 07/03/2023 17:05
Muriel Chouffart 05/03/2023 Competition 06/03/2023 19:53
Muriel Chouffart 04/03/2023 Competition 06/03/2023 19:37
Wim Vervoort 05/03/2023 Competition 06/03/2023 16:09
Peter Dewulf 26/02/2023 Competition 26/02/2023 15:14
Julius Garray CO Régionale - Parcours Noir Long 19/02/2023 Competition 20/02/2023 18:17
Julius Garray Course de Nuit 18/02/2023 Competition 20/02/2023 17:45
Muriel Chouffart 19/02/2023 Competition 19/02/2023 19:22
Muriel Chouffart 18/02/2023 Competition 19/02/2023 19:09
Muriel Chouffart 12/02/2023 Competition 12/02/2023 18:14
Julius Garray 12/02/2023 Competition 12/02/2023 17:39
Wim Vervoort 12/02/2023 Competition 12/02/2023 16:37
Wim Vervoort 10/02/2023 Competition 11/02/2023 09:13
Wim Vervoort 03/02/2023 Competition 04/02/2023 16:53
Wim Vervoort 29/01/2023 Competition 30/01/2023 07:47
Muriel Chouffart 29/01/2023 Competition 29/01/2023 14:35
Muriel Chouffart 22/01/2023 Competition 22/01/2023 15:25
Wim Vervoort 15/01/2023 Competition 16/01/2023 12:54
Muriel Chouffart 15/01/2023 Competition 15/01/2023 16:15
Muriel Chouffart 30/12/2022 Competition 31/12/2022 13:26
Muriel Chouffart 29/12/2022 Competition 30/12/2022 20:48
Muriel Chouffart 28/12/2022 Competition 30/12/2022 20:13
Muriel Chouffart 27/12/2022 Competition 30/12/2022 19:49
Muriel Chouffart 26/12/2022 Competition 30/12/2022 19:17
Gert Geboers Sylvester 2022 Dag 5 30/12/2022 Competition 30/12/2022 14:49
Peter Dewulf 29/12/2022 Competition 29/12/2022 19:19
Gert Geboers Sylvester 2022 Dag 4 29/12/2022 Competition 29/12/2022 16:42
Peter Dewulf 28/12/2022 Competition 28/12/2022 16:25
Gert Geboers Sylvester 2022 Dag 3 28/12/2022 Competition 28/12/2022 13:14
Peter Dewulf 27/12/2022 Competition 27/12/2022 20:37
Gert Geboers Sylvester 2022 Dag 2 27/12/2022 Competition 27/12/2022 13:29
Peter Dewulf 26/12/2022 Competition 26/12/2022 16:58
Gert Geboers Sylvester 2022 Dag 1 26/12/2022 Competition 26/12/2022 14:25
Muriel Chouffart Brussels Orienteering Challenge #4 18/12/2022 Competition 18/12/2022 19:11
Gert Geboers Sinterklaascross 04/12/2022 Competition 05/12/2022 20:25
Albert Van Caneghem De Winner 09/10/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:54
Albert Van Caneghem Katarina wijk 15/10/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:48
Albert Van Caneghem Schootshei 23/10/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:46
Albert Van Caneghem Vriesel 01/11/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:43
Albert Van Caneghem Oosterbeersche heide 06/11/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:40
Albert Van Caneghem Hamont 20/11/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:29
Albert Van Caneghem Schipsgatduinen Oostduinkerke 13/11/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:19
Albert Van Caneghem Koksijde Noordduinen North See Trophu 12/11/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:16
Albert Van Caneghem Liefoord North See Trophy 11/11/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:13
Albert Van Caneghem Dilsenerbos 27/11/2022 Competition 27/11/2022 15:06
Peter Dewulf Openingsaflossing Nacht 18/11/2022 Competition 23/11/2022 16:24
Gert Geboers North Sea Trophy Dag 1 11/11/2022 Competition 20/11/2022 19:16
Gert Geboers North Sea Trophy Dag 2 12/11/2022 Competition 20/11/2022 19:13
Gert Geboers North Sea Trophy Dag 3 13/11/2022 Competition 20/11/2022 19:06
Muriel Chouffart 2022-11-13 13/11/2022 Competition 15/11/2022 17:15
Muriel Chouffart 2022-11-12 12/11/2022 Competition 15/11/2022 15:45
Muriel Chouffart LIEFOORD 11/11/2022 Competition 15/11/2022 15:28
Wim Vervoort 2022-11-06 06/11/2022 Competition 06/11/2022 15:01
Wim Vervoort 2022-10-15 15/10/2022 Competition 16/10/2022 13:27
Muriel Chouffart Nord #3 08/10/2022 Competition 12/10/2022 11:31
Albert Van Caneghem Le Cheneu; Louveterie La Gillepe 03/07/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:51
Albert Van Caneghem Gerhagen 27/07/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:45
Albert Van Caneghem Peertsbos thuisblijvers cross 31/07/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:39
Albert Van Caneghem Zwarte weg Oost 3DvK Dagomloop 15/08/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:36
Albert Van Caneghem Weyervlakte Nationale Lang 21/08/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:31
Albert Van Caneghem Bois des Gives club relay 28/08/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:26
Albert Van Caneghem Hansenbuch 04/09/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:21
Albert Van Caneghem Berchem 11/09/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 10:18
Albert Van Caneghem Laakheide 01/10/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 08:55
Albert Van Caneghem Hechtelse duinen 02/10/2022 Competition 03/10/2022 08:50
Wim Vervoort 2022-09-24 24/09/2022 Competition 26/09/2022 15:41
Muriel Chouffart Championnat de Belgique Relais 18/09/2022 Competition 19/09/2022 19:30
Muriel Chouffart Championnat de Belgique de longue distance 04/09/2022 Competition 04/09/2022 18:24
Muriel Chouffart Bois de Gives 28/08/2022 Competition 28/08/2022 17:55
Wim Vervoort 2022-08-28 28/08/2022 Competition 28/08/2022 16:05
Muriel Chouffart Weijervlakte 1/7500 21/08/2022 Competition 21/08/2022 17:37
Julius Garray Botrange 07/08/2022 Competition 21/08/2022 17:08
Julius Garray Weijervlakte 1/10000 21/08/2022 Competition 21/08/2022 16:40
Wim Vervoort 2022-08-21 21/08/2022 Competition 21/08/2022 13:31
Wim Vervoort 2022-08-14 14/08/2022 Competition 19/08/2022 13:16
Wim Vervoort 2022-08-13 13/08/2022 Competition 19/08/2022 13:09
Muriel Chouffart Zwarte weg oost 15/08/2022 Competition 15/08/2022 18:41
Muriel Chouffart Staleyckerheide 14/08/2022 Competition 15/08/2022 18:28
Muriel Chouffart zwarte weg west 13/08/2022 Competition 15/08/2022 18:13
Muriel Chouffart Zwarte weg west 15/06/2010 Competition 15/08/2022 18:09
Muriel Chouffart Botrange 07/08/2022 Competition 08/08/2022 10:59
Wim Vervoort 2022-07-09 09/07/2022 Competition 11/07/2022 17:09
Wim Vervoort 2022-07-03 03/07/2022 Competition 04/07/2022 15:45
Wim Vervoort 2022-07-01 01/07/2022 Competition 01/07/2022 18:29
Muriel Chouffart Fond d'Oxhe 26/06/2022 Competition 26/06/2022 15:57
Muriel Chouffart Malonne-Champ-Ha 25/06/2022 Competition 25/06/2022 13:55
Muriel Chouffart Le Bochet 19/06/2022 Competition 20/06/2022 15:22
Wim Vervoort 2022-06-19 19/06/2022 Competition 19/06/2022 15:44
Wim Vervoort 2022-06-12 12/06/2022 Competition 13/06/2022 17:11
Wim Vervoort 2022-04-22 22/04/2022 Competition 22/04/2022 17:19
Wim Vervoort 2022-04-10 10/04/2022 Competition 10/04/2022 16:20
Muriel Chouffart La Vecquée 01/04/2022 Competition 01/04/2022 16:36
Wim Vervoort 2022-04-01 01/04/2022 Competition 01/04/2022 13:45
Muriel Chouffart Helchterenbos 27/03/2022 Competition 29/03/2022 17:42
Wim Vervoort 2022-03-27 27/03/2022 Competition 28/03/2022 16:22
Wim Vervoort 2022-03-20 20/03/2022 Competition 20/03/2022 15:10
Wim Vervoort 2022-03-11 11/03/2022 Competition 12/03/2022 08:51
Muriel Chouffart Lindscheid-Schönberg 06/03/2022 Competition 07/03/2022 18:35
Muriel Chouffart Lindscheid 05/03/2022 Competition 07/03/2022 18:18
Wim Vervoort 2022-03-06 06/03/2022 Competition 06/03/2022 16:56
Wim Vervoort 2022-03-05 05/03/2022 Competition 06/03/2022 16:49
Muriel Chouffart Marenne 27/02/2022 Competition 27/02/2022 18:25
Wim Vervoort 2022-02-20 20/02/2022 Competition 20/02/2022 19:08
Wim Vervoort 2022-02-13 13/02/2022 Competition 14/02/2022 16:40
Muriel Chouffart Bois de Poncelet-Bois de Miécret 13/02/2022 Competition 14/02/2022 16:49
Muriel Chouffart Bois Poncelet-Bois de Miécret 12/05/2000 Competition 13/02/2022 18:44
Wim Vervoort 2022-02-11 11/02/2022 Competition 12/02/2022 10:47
Muriel Chouffart Esneux Sud 06/02/2022 Competition 06/02/2022 16:01
Wim Vervoort 2022-02-06 06/02/2022 Competition 06/02/2022 15:06
Muriel Chouffart Bois de Comblain 16/01/2022 Competition 16/01/2022 15:35
Albert Van Caneghem Hoge Rielen 16/01/2022 Competition 16/01/2022 12:51
Albert Van Caneghem Heeserbergen 30/12/2021 Competition 30/12/2021 14:18
Muriel Chouffart Koninklijke Schenking 28/12/2021 Competition 28/12/2021 20:39
Muriel Chouffart Lommel 26/12/2021 Competition 28/12/2021 20:28
Albert Van Caneghem Postel Koninklijke schenking 28/12/2021 Competition 28/12/2021 13:49
Wim Vervoort 2021-12-26 26/12/2021 Competition 27/12/2021 09:04
Albert Van Caneghem Les TYrois Fontaines - Rouge Cloitre 19/12/2021 Competition 19/12/2021 16:26
Muriel Chouffart Les Trois Fontaines+Rouge Cloître 19/12/2021 Competition 19/12/2021 15:30
Albert Van Caneghem De Beeltjens 12/12/2021 Competition 12/12/2021 13:58
Muriel Chouffart Ham 04/12/2021 Competition 05/12/2021 17:05
Albert Van Caneghem Kamp van Bevrlo 05/12/2021 Competition 05/12/2021 12:41
Muriel Chouffart Kolisbos 28/11/2021 Competition 29/11/2021 19:58
Muriel Chouffart VK Avond Sonnisheide Noord 26/11/2021 Competition 29/11/2021 20:02
Wim Vervoort 2021-11-26 26/11/2021 Competition 27/11/2021 08:25
Wim Vervoort 2021-11-21 21/11/2021 Competition 21/11/2021 18:36
Albert Van Caneghem Pijnven Vlasmeer Herfstwisselbeker 21/11/2021 Competition 21/11/2021 17:00
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 14/11/2021 Competition 14/11/2021 17:02
Albert Van Caneghem Molenheide 14/11/2021 Competition 14/11/2021 14:19
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 10/11/2021 Competition 10/11/2021 18:03
Albert Van Caneghem Pijnven Noord 10/11/2021 Competition 10/11/2021 14:21
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 06/11/2021 Competition 08/11/2021 18:14
Albert Van Caneghem Dilsenerbos Nat.Lang 07/11/2021 Competition 07/11/2021 07:30
Wim Vervoort 2021-11-06 06/11/2021 Competition 06/11/2021 18:18
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 04/11/2021 Competition 04/11/2021 19:37
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-31 31/10/2021 Competition 03/11/2021 17:31
Albert Van Caneghem Kootwijkerzand 2D vd Veluwe 30/10/2021 Competition 02/11/2021 06:26
Albert Van Caneghem De Winner 15/08/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 08:36
Albert Van Caneghem De Groote Hof 3D v Vlaanderen 13/08/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 08:24
Albert Van Caneghem Gemeentebos 15/09/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 08:03
Albert Van Caneghem Heidehuizen 22/09/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 07:58
Albert Van Caneghem Beringen Mijn 02/10/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 07:53
Albert Van Caneghem Weyervlakte BK aflossing 03/10/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 07:49
Albert Van Caneghem Kuringen 07/10/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 07:39
Albert Van Caneghem Hulst City Race 10/10/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 07:29
Albert Van Caneghem Kattenbos Oost VK Middel 17/10/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 07:22
Albert Van Caneghem Arnhemse Heide 2D vd Veluwe 31/10/2021 Competition 01/11/2021 16:50
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-30 30/10/2021 Competition 30/10/2021 13:50
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-29 29/10/2021 Competition 29/10/2021 22:49
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 24/10/2021 Competition 26/10/2021 18:27
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 23/10/2021 Competition 26/10/2021 15:38
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-24 24/10/2021 Competition 25/10/2021 18:06
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-23 23/10/2021 Competition 25/10/2021 17:50
Albert Van Caneghem Luxembourg City Race 24/10/2021 Competition 25/10/2021 10:50
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 17/10/2021 Competition 18/10/2021 21:23
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 16/10/2021 Competition 18/10/2021 21:11
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-17 17/10/2021 Competition 18/10/2021 17:26
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-15 15/10/2021 Competition 15/10/2021 17:57
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 10/10/2021 Competition 10/10/2021 14:03
Muriel Chouffart Mumu 10/10/2021 Competition 10/10/2021 13:59
Muriel Chouffart BK Aflossing 3/10/21 03/10/2021 Competition 05/10/2021 13:54
Wim Vervoort 2021-10-03 03/10/2021 Competition 04/10/2021 16:08
Muriel Chouffart Muriel 29/09/2021 Competition 29/09/2021 12:50
Muriel Chouffart 2021-05-16 16/05/2021 Competition 28/09/2021 18:00
Wim Vervoort 2021-09-24 24/09/2021 Competition 25/09/2021 05:44
Wim Vervoort 2021-09-12 12/09/2021 Competition 13/09/2021 16:52
Wim Vervoort 2021-09-05 05/09/2021 Competition 05/09/2021 16:06
Wim Vervoort 2021-08-22 22/08/2021 Competition 22/08/2021 16:01
Wim Vervoort 2021-08-15 15/08/2021 Competition 16/08/2021 11:46
Filip Debloudts Flanders 3 Days 2/3 : De Gorten & Winner Noord 14/08/2021 Competition 14/08/2021 16:07
Filip Debloudts Flanders 3 days 1/3 De Grooten Hof 13/08/2021 Competition 14/08/2021 16:05
Filip Debloudts Sint Anna Plage 05/08/2021 Competition 09/08/2021 11:28
Filip Debloudts Sorghvliedt Fort VIII 01/08/2021 Competition 09/08/2021 11:07
Filip Debloudts rivierenhof 08/08/2021 Competition 09/08/2021 10:52
Wim Vervoort 2021-07-11 11/07/2021 Competition 12/07/2021 12:37
Albert Van Caneghem Hinter den Sandgruben-West 11/07/2021 Competition 11/07/2021 22:07
Albert Van Caneghem Hinter den Sandgruben - Ost 10/07/2021 Competition 11/07/2021 22:05
Albert Van Caneghem Kaiserbaracke 3 DvB 09/07/2021 Competition 11/07/2021 22:00
Filip Debloudts 3 daagse van Belgie : Hinte der Sandgruben Ost 10/07/2021 Competition 10/07/2021 15:01
Filip Debloudts 3 daagse van Belgie : Kaisersbaracke 10/07/2021 Competition 10/07/2021 14:59
Wim Vervoort 2021-07-10 10/07/2021 Competition 10/07/2021 11:48
Wim Vervoort 2021-07-09 09/07/2021 Competition 09/07/2021 19:26
Filip Debloudts Transforestiere Noir Long met Jerre 04/07/2021 Competition 06/07/2021 07:46
Filip Debloudts Transforestiere MTB-O met Bjorn 03/07/2021 Competition 06/07/2021 07:45
Filip Debloudts Spa Sources Long Noir 27/06/2021 Competition 30/06/2021 08:56
Filip Debloudts BK MD Spa 26/06/2021 Competition 30/06/2021 08:55
Albert Van Caneghem Leopoldsburg City 06/06/2021 Competition 27/06/2021 16:37
Albert Van Caneghem Stavelot Challenge 25/06/2021 Competition 27/06/2021 16:30
Wim Vervoort 2021-06-27 27/06/2021 Competition 27/06/2021 16:01
Albert Van Caneghem Botrange Nat.Lang 20/06/2021 Training 27/06/2021 16:04
Albert Van Caneghem Spa Nord BK MD 26/06/2021 Competition 27/06/2021 15:10
Albert Van Caneghem VK Sprint Mechelen 27/06/2021 Competition 27/06/2021 15:11
Wim Vervoort 2021-06-26 26/06/2021 Competition 26/06/2021 17:03
Filip Debloudts GOS 29/05/2021 - Maalterbrugge Park 29/05/2021 Competition 30/06/2021 08:52
Filip Debloudts City O Leopoldsburg 06/06/2021 Competition 22/06/2021 15:15
Filip Debloudts Nationale Long Distance Botrange 20/06/2021 Competition 22/06/2021 15:14
Wim Vervoort 2021-06-20 20/06/2021 Competition 20/06/2021 17:15
Wim Vervoort 2021-06-13 13/06/2021 Competition 13/06/2021 16:07
Wim Vervoort 2021-06-13 13/06/2021 Competition 13/06/2021 16:01
Filip Debloudts Keiheuvel Camping z wegen 03/01/2021 Competition 18/01/2021 12:00
Filip Debloudts Keiheuvel Bos schaduw door Jeremy 03/01/2021 Competition 18/01/2021 11:54
Filip Debloudts Trol Gielsbos training 17/01/2021 Competition 18/01/2021 11:31
Filip Debloudts IOrienteering Kessel Lo klein 02/01/2021 Competition 12/01/2021 12:02
Filip Debloudts IOrienteering Kessel-Lo Lang 02/01/2021 Competition 12/01/2021 12:03
Filip Debloudts Corona training Hasselt centrum 2 01/01/2021 Competition 12/01/2021 12:03
Filip Debloudts Corona training Hasselt centrum 1 01/01/2021 Competition 12/01/2021 11:32
Filip Debloudts Corona Pop Up Bosuil 12/12/2020 Competition 03/01/2021 16:32
Filip Debloudts Nationale 4 Lang - Leopoldsburg 22/10/2020 Competition 22/10/2020 10:32
Wim Vervoort 2020-10-18 18/10/2020 Competition 19/10/2020 16:48
Filip Debloudts BK Long Stambruges 27/09/2020 Competition 12/10/2020 12:20
Filip Debloudts GOS Gentbrugge Meersen 26/09/2020 Competition 12/10/2020 12:16
Filip Debloudts MTB-O Kattenbos - Pijnven 12/09/2020 Competition 12/10/2020 12:13
Filip Debloudts NAT De Witte bergen 04/10/2020 Competition 12/10/2020 12:11
Filip Debloudts BK MTB-O Lommel 10/10/2020 Competition 12/10/2020 09:51
Filip Debloudts BK Interclubs Hechtel 11/10/2020 11/10/2020 Competition 12/10/2020 09:17
Wim Vervoort 2020-10-11 09:36:21 11/10/2020 Competition 12/10/2020 04:39
Wim Vervoort 2020-10-10 09:02:29 10/10/2020 Competition 10/10/2020 14:38
Wim Vervoort 2020-10-04 09:47:15 04/10/2020 Competition 05/10/2020 16:40
Wim Vervoort 2020-09-06 11:24:33 06/09/2020 Competition 11/09/2020 10:40
Wim Vervoort 2020-09-06 08:03:17 06/09/2020 Competition 11/09/2020 10:27
Albert Van Caneghem Baudour 08/03/2020 Competition 10/03/2020 10:35
Albert Van Caneghem Zilvermeer O-serie's 07/03/2020 Competition 07/03/2020 15:25
Albert Van Caneghem Geneberg 01/03/2020 Competition 01/03/2020 15:53
Albert Van Caneghem Meersen 23/02/2020 Competition 01/03/2020 07:26
Filip Debloudts KOS Balen Keiheuvel 15/02/2020 Competition 16/02/2020 15:53
Filip Debloudts Avond-O Zwarte Horst 14/02/2020 Competition 16/02/2020 15:48
Wim Vervoort 2020-02-09 09/02/2020 Competition 10/02/2020 16:41
Filip Debloudts Antwerp Orienteers Luchtbal LD + SD 04/02/2020 Competition 05/02/2020 15:58
Filip Debloudts AOS 1 Brilschans 07/01/2020 Competition 28/01/2020 19:31
Filip Debloudts Meetshoven 26/01/2020 Competition 28/01/2020 18:51
Filip Debloudts Individuele omlopen replay H Mas A 25/01/2020 Competition 28/01/2020 18:34
Filip Debloudts Jenevercross 2020 28/01/2020 Competition 28/01/2020 09:31
Wim Vervoort 2020-01-17 17/01/2020 Competition 18/01/2020 07:48
Wim Vervoort 2019-12-30 30/12/2019 Competition 30/12/2019 16:04
Wim Vervoort 2019-12-28 28/12/2019 Competition 28/12/2019 19:02
Wim Vervoort 2019-12-22 22/12/2019 Competition 23/12/2019 16:46
Albert Van Caneghem Hertberg Specialleke 15/12/2019 Competition 22/12/2019 14:33
Albert Van Caneghem Bosoverheide 22/12/2019 Competition 22/12/2019 14:23
Wim Vervoort 2019-12-15 15/12/2019 Competition 16/12/2019 17:47
Albert Van Caneghem Hechtelse duinen Herfstwisselbeker 08/12/2019 Competition 10/12/2019 12:26
Wim Vervoort 2019-12-08 08/12/2019 Competition 08/12/2019 16:05
Wim Vervoort 2019-12-08 08/12/2019 Competition 08/12/2019 15:23
Wim Vervoort 2019-11-29 29/11/2019 Competition 30/11/2019 09:04
Wim Vervoort 2019-11-24 24/11/2019 Competition 25/11/2019 19:34
Albert Van Caneghem Kolisbos 24/11/2019 Competition 24/11/2019 15:02
Albert Van Caneghem Sonnis Zuid - Kelchterhoef Oost Mil. 21/11/2019 Competition 21/11/2019 14:30
Wim Vervoort 2019-11-17 17/11/2019 Competition 18/11/2019 16:21
Albert Van Caneghem La Hulpe 17/11/2019 Competition 18/11/2019 08:16
Wim Vervoort 2019-11-11 11/11/2019 Competition 14/11/2019 16:19
Albert Van Caneghem Plaatsduinen North Sea Trophy D2 10/11/2019 Competition 12/11/2019 15:43
Albert Van Caneghem Schipsgatduinen North Sea Trophy D1 09/11/2019 Competition 12/11/2019 15:34
Wim Vervoort 2019-11-10 10/11/2019 Competition 10/11/2019 14:51
Wim Vervoort 2019-11-09 09/11/2019 Competition 09/11/2019 23:27
Wim Vervoort 2019-11-03 03/11/2019 Competition 03/11/2019 17:46
Albert Van Caneghem Klompen OL 13/10/2019 Competition 13/10/2019 13:12
Wim Vervoort 2019-09-27 27/09/2019 Competition 12/10/2019 12:48
Albert Van Caneghem Militaire 04/10/2019 Competition 13/10/2019 13:17
Albert Van Caneghem Wisselbeker Gilbert Staepelare 29/09/2019 Competition 29/09/2019 16:52
Albert Van Caneghem Rik Thys aflossing 27/09/2019 Competition 27/09/2019 13:56
Albert Van Caneghem Nationale Lang 22/09/2019 Competition 23/09/2019 05:28
Wim Vervoort 2019-09-22 22/09/2019 Competition 22/09/2019 21:39
Albert Van Caneghem BK aflossing 15/09/2019 Competition 16/09/2019 10:10
Wim Vervoort 2019-09-08 08/09/2019 Competition 09/09/2019 04:19
Albert Van Caneghem BK Lang 08/09/2019 Competition 08/09/2019 13:56
Wim Vervoort 2019-09-01 01/09/2019 Competition 03/09/2019 16:15
Albert Van Caneghem Nationale Lang 01/09/2019 Competition 01/09/2019 18:24
Albert Van Caneghem Interclub 25/08/2019 Competition 26/08/2019 09:27
Albert Van Caneghem ASOM Sprint 2 29/06/2019 Competition 20/08/2019 18:48
Albert Van Caneghem ASOM Sprint 1 29/06/2019 Competition 20/08/2019 18:44
Albert Van Caneghem ASOM City Race 30/06/2019 Competition 20/08/2019 18:43
Albert Van Caneghem 4 Daagse van Limburg Dag 4 18/08/2019 Competition 20/08/2019 18:29
Albert Van Caneghem 4 Daagse van Limburg Dag 3 17/08/2019 Competition 20/08/2019 18:29
Albert Van Caneghem 4 Daagse van Limburg Dag 2 16/08/2019 Competition 20/08/2019 18:21
Albert Van Caneghem 4 daagse van Limburg 2019 Day 1 15/08/2019 Competition 20/08/2019 15:07
Albert Van Caneghem So Bechefa 23/06/2019 Competition 24/06/2019 19:49
Albert Van Caneghem Keiheuvel KOSerie's 6 15/06/2019 Competition 17/06/2019 09:04
Albert Van Caneghem Keiheuvel KOSerie's 6 15/06/2019 Competition 17/06/2019 08:51
Albert Van Caneghem Balendijk 16/06/2019 Competition 17/06/2019 08:42
Albert Van Caneghem La Haie du Cerf 3DvBelgie 10/06/2019 Competition 12/06/2019 12:45
Albert Van Caneghem La Haie du Cerf 3DvBelgie 09/06/2019 Competition 12/06/2019 12:43
Albert Van Caneghem La Haie du Cerf 3DvBelgie 08/06/2019 Competition 12/06/2019 12:40
Albert Van Caneghem Overpelt BK Sprint 19/05/2019 Competition 20/05/2019 10:02
Albert Van Caneghem Stambruges-La Fontaine Bouilloante Sud BK MD 12/05/2019 Competition 12/05/2019 17:26
Albert Van Caneghem Geel City run 05/05/2019 Competition 05/05/2019 13:00
Albert Van Caneghem Le Bois du Fays 2 22/04/2019 Competition 01/05/2019 19:30
Albert Van Caneghem Le Bois du Fays 2 21/04/2019 Competition 01/05/2019 19:34
Albert Van Caneghem Le Salbert 2 20/04/2019 Competition 01/05/2019 19:19
Albert Van Caneghem écomusée D'Alsace 19/04/2019 Competition 01/05/2019 19:19
Albert Van Caneghem Sint Niklaas City run 14/04/2019 Competition 14/04/2019 15:59
Albert Van Caneghem Tessenderlo VK Sprint 07/04/2019 Competition 07/04/2019 15:16
Albert Van Caneghem Bobbejaanland 31/03/2019 Competition 01/04/2019 10:46
Albert Van Caneghem Kamp van Beverlo Militaire 29/03/2019 Competition 29/03/2019 15:30
Serge Dusza Challenge Autmans 21/03/2019 Competition 28/03/2019 06:58
Albert Van Caneghem Sledderlo 24/03/2019 Competition 26/03/2019 07:28
Albert Van Caneghem Kattenbos 03/03/2019 Competition 03/03/2019 18:24
Albert Van Caneghem Stadspark Blijkhof (zonder wegen) 24/02/2019 Competition 24/02/2019 13:48
Serge Dusza Militair Regelmatigheidscriterium 31/01/2019 Competition 22/02/2019 11:43
Serge Dusza Militaire regelmatigheid 21/02/2019 Competition 22/02/2019 11:09
Albert Van Caneghem Desselse Heide -Witgoor Militaire 21/02/2019 Competition 21/02/2019 14:06
Albert Van Caneghem Shoenefeld Nationale 1 LD 17/02/2019 Competition 17/02/2019 17:23
Serge Dusza Militair Regelmatigheidscriterium 4 Gp CIS 18/01/2019 Competition 11/02/2019 17:42
Serge Dusza Challenge Comd Prov Hainaut 07/02/2019 Competition 11/02/2019 17:37
Serge Dusza Deux jours du Hainaut 10/02/2019 Competition 11/02/2019 17:18
Serge Dusza Deux jours du Hainaut 09/02/2019 Competition 11/02/2019 17:16
Albert Van Caneghem Sonnisheide Valentijnscross 10/02/2019 Competition 10/02/2019 15:26
Albert Van Caneghem Sanicol VK nacht 31/01/2019 Competition 09/02/2019 14:20
Albert Van Caneghem Helchterenbos Mil. 31/01/2019 Competition 01/02/2019 13:19
Albert Van Caneghem Kepkensberg 20/01/2019 Competition 28/01/2019 08:37
Albert Van Caneghem Marienborgh Sportcentrum - Park van Eeden 27/01/2019 Competition 28/01/2019 08:30
Albert Van Caneghem Kepkensberg 20/01/2019 Competition 20/01/2019 13:55
Albert Van Caneghem Galgenberg Sylv. D5 31/12/2018 Competition 31/12/2018 07:51
Albert Van Caneghem Sonnis Zuid -Kelchterhoef Oost Sylv. D4 29/12/2018 Competition 31/12/2018 07:52
Albert Van Caneghem Kelchterhoef West Sylv. D3 29/12/2018 Competition 29/12/2018 07:02
Albert Van Caneghem Heiderbos Sylv. D2 27/12/2018 Competition 31/12/2018 07:52
Albert Van Caneghem Kamp Grobbendonk Oro-Hydro 16/12/2018 Competition 26/12/2018 18:39
Albert Van Caneghem De Saenhoeve Sylv. D1 26/12/2018 Competition 31/12/2018 07:52
Albert Van Caneghem De Beeltjens 09/12/2018 Competition 24/12/2018 15:01
Albert Van Caneghem Kamp van Beverlo Sinterklaas cross 02/12/2018 Competition 24/12/2018 14:58
Albert Van Caneghem Kattenbos-Zuid 25/11/2018 Competition 25/11/2018 12:50
Albert Van Caneghem Zonhoven Militaire 22/11/2018 Competition 25/11/2018 12:48
Albert Van Caneghem Keiheuvel 18/11/2018 Competition 18/11/2018 16:27
Albert Van Caneghem Holven Aflossing nacht 09/11/2018 Competition 10/11/2018 07:10
Albert Van Caneghem Spiekelspade 08/11/2018 Competition 08/11/2018 20:45
Albert Van Caneghem Gruitrode VK Middel 04/11/2018 Competition 04/11/2018 15:09
Serge Dusza Geneberg 21/01/2018 Competition 25/01/2018 16:59
Serge Dusza Régularité Militaire Hamois 12/01/2018 Competition 18/01/2018 17:18
Serge Dusza Finale Championnat Militaire Longue Distance 30/11/2017 Competition 02/12/2017 12:26
Serge Dusza Wisselbeker Kamp Beverlo 31/03/2017 Competition 23/04/2017 20:25
Serge Dusza Smuid 14/04/2017 Competition 23/04/2017 20:19
Serge Dusza Neufchâteau 13/04/2017 Competition 23/04/2017 20:13
Serge Dusza Straimont 23/04/2017 Competition 23/04/2017 20:10
Serge Dusza Treignes 26/03/2017 Competition 26/03/2017 21:02
Serge Dusza Dourbes 24/03/2017 Training 26/03/2017 16:00
Serge Dusza Lipica Open 5 15/03/2017 Competition 17/03/2017 12:05
Serge Dusza Lipica Open 4 14/03/2017 Competition 17/03/2017 12:03
Serge Dusza Lipica Open 3 13/03/2017 Competition 17/03/2017 11:59
Serge Dusza Lipica Open 2 12/03/2017 Competition 17/03/2017 11:53
Serge Dusza Lipica Open 1 11/03/2017 Competition 17/03/2017 11:50
Albert Van Caneghem De Hoge Mouw 11/03/2017 Competition 12/03/2017 17:40
Albert Van Caneghem Holven 05/03/2017 Competition 06/03/2017 09:49
Serge Dusza Regionaler Winterlauf 05/03/2017 Competition 05/03/2017 15:39
Albert Van Caneghem Schootshei Nationle 1 26/02/2017 Competition 26/02/2017 19:41
Albert Van Caneghem HAM OOST Nacht 24/02/2017 Competition 25/02/2017 07:43
Albert Van Caneghem Bois De Godinne BK MD 19/02/2017 Competition 20/02/2017 06:44
Albert Van Caneghem Masy Noord VK Nacht 17/02/2017 Competition 20/02/2017 06:38
Serge Dusza Challenge Comd Prov Hainaut 16/02/2017 Competition 16/02/2017 21:01
Serge Dusza Martelange 12/02/2017 Competition 12/02/2017 20:11
Albert Van Caneghem Koersel Fonteinje Valentijnscross 12/02/2017 Competition 12/02/2017 15:28
Albert Van Caneghem Geneberg VK MD 05/02/2017 Competition 05/02/2017 14:27
Serge Dusza Malonne 29/01/2017 Competition 01/02/2017 18:26
Albert Van Caneghem La gueule du loup 29/01/2017 Competition 30/01/2017 06:31
Serge Dusza Malonne 27/01/2017 Competition 27/01/2017 21:01
Albert Van Caneghem Genk Sportcentrum 20/01/2017 Competition 01/02/2017 06:19
Albert Van Caneghem Kamp Grobbendonk 08/01/2017 Competition 01/02/2017 06:20
Albert Van Caneghem Gerhees 22/01/2017 Competition 01/02/2017 06:18
Serge Dusza Régionale Hippodrome Boitsfort - Championnat Universitaire 11/12/2016 Competition 11/12/2016 19:55
Serge Dusza Relay Part2 22/11/2016 Competition 29/11/2016 15:51
Serge Dusza Relay Part1 22/11/2016 Competition 29/11/2016 15:49
Serge Dusza Longue Distance Part2 20/11/2016 Competition 29/11/2016 15:55
Serge Dusza Longue Distance Part1 20/11/2016 Competition 29/11/2016 15:55
Serge Dusza Middle 19/11/2016 Competition 29/11/2016 15:56
Serge Dusza NK Defensie 08/11/2016 Competition 13/11/2016 16:07
Serge Dusza Chpt FRSO Longue Distance 06/03/2016 Competition 11/11/2016 08:22
Serge Dusza Lipica Open 12/03/2016 Competition 11/11/2016 08:29
Wim Vervoort 2019-09-08 08/09/2019 Competition 09/09/2019 04:29

Last commented maps 10 | 20 | 50 | all

Name Map Comments Last comment by Updated
Serge Dusza Lipica Open 2 743 e 19/08/2024 00:26
Serge Dusza Régionale Hippodrome Boitsfort - Championnat Universitaire 1 Serge Dusza 11/12/2016 20:13