
Version 2024/11

This November release brings a few changes and improvements:

  • For Multiday events by Points: Points will only be allocated to runners who are registered for the minimum days necessary for the overall ranking. However, daily results will still be sorted by time.
  • The French CN export file now contains the number of controls and the classification position, by Class or Course.
  • Updated NL translations
  • The number of controls in a course is now available in the XML results export and also shown in Webres.
  • The Livelox ID is shown in Live Webres results, when entered.
  • Fixed an issue with too long club names in the data import from OrienteeringOnline.
  • The messages for "Real time" and "Punch start" have been slightly reformulated; it should be clearer now when the course time is calculated by the start list time or by the punch start.
  • 02: Bugfix for importing Check/Start protocol file
  • 03: Bugfix Startlist layout


Version 2024/09

Besides some background bugfixes, there are a few nice improvements in this September release.

  • If importing the CSV files of the SPORTident START controls, to eliminate the runners from the waiting list, who did not start, this will now import the actual start time, when not allocated before. At small events, it will be easier like this to estimate when the missing runners might finally arrive.
    Attention! The START box must not be configured in Beacon mode, because such starts are not captured! The unit must be set up in Punch mode.
  • The label of the "Read EMIT/SPORTident" data in the Arrival screen slightly changed to now reflect the state it is in: "Read SPORTident is OFF" and "Read SPORTident is ON". Pressing the button will turn the reading ON, respectively OFF.
  • Printing the map vouchers for handing out to on-site registrations becomes more flexible: now the vouchers can also be printed on the thermic ticket printer.
  • The "Export Startlists" button has been moved from the "Edit Startlist" screen to the ribbon. It's now also possible to export the Excel list for SPPRINT for Relay races.
  • On the Finish data sheet, the raw SI data is now also printed. This makes it easier for analysing the cause of a NCL (having the actual passage times at the controls).
  • The "List of runners that did not yet arrive" screen also changed its name to reflect better what is really shown: Runners without Finish time! Background is, that even runners that actually arrived could not have a finish time due to some control issues.

Version 2024/05

This release adds some more support for onsite registrations, and flexibility for result generation.

  • The result of a quick search (by name or number) or more complex search in the Persons screen can now be exported to Excel, for further processing, like for example label creation or other mail merge.

  • The quick search by number can now be switched between Bib of registered runners and National/regional federation number (if applicable). The choice is remembered.

  • It's now possible to print a registration ticket for all runners in the current search result. The layout of the ticket has slightly changed to better support secretary work.

  • For the IOF result export , the option "Separate HD by course" is now explicitely available.
  • An alternative result sorting is now offered by class and special class. The "standard" is by age, first women then men. The "alternate" is grouping each age range, like D10, H10, D-12, H-12 etc. to support such price giving ceremonies. It's present for all type of results (print, HTML, Webres), including final multiday results. Please note that the additional sort order column is populated automatically during upgrade for regular classes only; for special classes it needs to be amended manually. The blank HELGADAT files have been revised for both types of classes and should be downloaded for new races.

  • A new country/nationality IIA for "IOF Independent Athlete" has been added. Further info on the IOF website.


Version 2024/03

This release adds some improvements and extensions to HELGA.

  • The registration ticket can now also be printed via reading the control card. This possibility can nicely be combined with the option "Remain in Read mode [SI Management]" to accompany chip give-outs with a data receipt.

    Also, the Registration time stamp is only printed on the day of the event itself.
  • The BIP number is exported in IOF XML results.
  • To fix a crash during the IOF XML registration import for FFCO, the datatype for the CN score has been increased to LONG.
  • The report for Multi-day registration fees has be improved to correctly handle participants that run for different clubs.
  • The handling of the Club/Class mapping tables during the import of XML registrations has been optimized: a check box allows to filter on unmapped data only. 

    Also, if there is nothing to map in Clubs, the focus switches directly to Class/Course.
  • In General Time Keeping mode, an extra check has been added in the Finish screen to detect runners with a first split time earlier than the official first start. During mass start running events, some people might have already spotted some check points before the start..
  • Registration import from O'Punch supports now Multi-day events, with individual day selection and (soon) start wishes. This makes a duplicate entry system for "foreigners" obsolete.
  • In the Person screen, the check box "Late entry" now remembers the last state for the next runner.

Version 2024/01

The first release of the year comes with a few fixes and some improvements.

  • Fix the map count of still available maps during a multi-day event, when persons are unregistered on certain days.
  • Amend the Create event "BCR Belgian Club Relay" to teams-of-5 (points validation selection).
  • Fix an issue with homonym in O'Punch XML registration import.
  • For SPrint start data exports, added the Nationality and the (first - in case of Multi-day) ControlCard, plus fix the Club name in export for Multi-Day (the actual, not the standard one).
  • Improve the non-O'Punch registration import when the same Person is member of several clubs, to pick the right one.
  • All open screens are instantly translated when the language is changed.
  • Print a receipt ticket at Person registration. When enabled in Configuration (only possible when ticket printer selected), it will print a little paper with registration details, to be handed over at the Start as proof of registration. The printout can be automated after the inital saving of a new registration (not subsquent changes).

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